Tuesday 28 January 2014

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
Glossy Ibis at Cley
Arctic Skua, Snow Buntings x 21 at Horsey
Velvet Scoters x 4, Snow Buntings x 59 off Gun Hill, Burnham Overy Staithe
Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl at Burnham Overy Staithe
PARROT CROSSBILLS x 8 at Edgefield
Purple Sandpipers x 2 at Sheringham
Glossy Ibis x 2 a Martham
Smew at Martham Broad
Common Cranes x 3, Smew x 2, Black-throated Diver, Whooper Swan at Horsey Mere
Shorelarks x 2, Snow Buntings x 30 at Great Yarmouth
Waxwing at Gorleston
Black Redstart at Happisburgh
Rough-legged Buzzard, Hen Harrier, Bewick's Swans x 10 at Holkham
Lapland Bunting at Holme
Black-throated Divers x 4, Long-tailed Ducks x 4 at Blakeney Harbour

Other News
MEGA! AMERICAN COOT remains at Loch Flemington, Highland, Scotland

DENTIST UPDATE (see yesterday's post)!
Got up at 5.50am. Got to my parent's house at just after 7am when mother was supposed to be ready but typically wasn't. In 15 minutes I sorted out the adopted stray cat, made father another hot water bottle, made mother a marmalade sandwich and gave instructions to father about what we doing and what he should/shouldn't be doing whilst we were gone – phew! We arrived at the dentist in King's Lynn at 7.58am precisely! Booked mother in and helped her fill in the laborious medical form – she got lucky, the first person booked in hadn't turned up, so she was seen straight away. I then left, had no choice as I had to be at work for 8.30am –  I hated leaving her. I phoned the dentist during the morning in my tea break, but of course because of 'patient confidentiality' – (this can be so bl**dy annoying at times!!!) the receptionist would not tell me what treatment mother had had and all she would tell me was, that mother had left. I phoned mother at lunch time who reported that she had had an abscess under that tooth and a massive hole in the tooth next to it and both teeth had to be removed! Later on after I finished work, I drove straight over to Holme and did a bit of shopping for mother in Hunstanton and assisted with a few chores around the house and then went back home late and utterly exhausted.

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