Thursday 9 January 2014

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
Rough-legged Buzzards x 2 at Haddiscoe Island, viewable from Waveney Forest
Golden Pheasant at Wolferton
Shorlarks x 2 at Great Yarmouth
Firecrest, Hawfinch at Lynford Aboretum
Common Cranes x 2 at Acle
Eurasian White-fronted Geese x 25 at Buckingham Marshes RSPB
Hen Harrier at Stiffkey
Snow Buntings x 46 at Caister-on-Sea
Hen Harriers x 4 at Stubb Mill Roost, Hickling Broad NWT
Snow Buntings x 40 at Holme

Other News
MEGA! AMERICAN COOT remains at Loch Flemington, Highland, Scotland
MEGA! IVORY GULL remains at County Wexford, Ireland

NEW BLOG started, covering Hunstanton and Holme areas with five contributors so far: Gary Hibberd, Chris Mills, Robert Smith, Andy Brown and Robin Jolliffe.

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