Sunday 9 February 2014

The Weekend!

I'll have serious birding withdrawal symptoms by the end of the week, as I have not been birding at all this weekend! Just didn't happen, been busy with other stuff. Spent Saturday, spring cleaning kitchen cupboards, massive shop for new foods and ingredients for my new diet, birthday present shopping for my mother and sister Lucy.

Happy Birthday to my Dear Mother today! Family day with both my sisters and parent's at Holme to celebrate Mother's birthday. I cooked the dinner and did some fancy desserts (Slimming World recipes!). Even if I had wanted to twitch the Myrtle Warbler, I would not have cancelled mother's birthday and it's Monday tomorrow, so unless it hangs around and I get the urge next weekend, it's not going to happen! Back at my house this evening I made some scrumptious lentil and vegetable soup. All exciting news from me on this blog........not!!!

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