Saturday 15 March 2014

Snettisham Coastal Park

Snettisham Coastal Park

Don't get excited, I have very little to write about today. I have been editing photos for forthcoming publications for the majority of the day. But when the sun came blazing out later on, I just had to get out for a short while. My late afternoon walk at Snettisham Coastal Park produced almost no birds. I could hear a chaffinch and a robin and that was it! I stood by the sea and watched the sun setting into streaks of red and pink – it was particularly beautiful this evening. Back at the car, two mallards waddled towards me. I had no cake or bread to offer them, so I threw them a handful of grain, but they didn't seem to want this!
 Me on the beach.

At mother's request I stopped to get her some chips in Hunstanton and then visited my parent's at Holme where my youngest sister Vivien was also visiting. Whizzed Vivien back to the train station and then went to the supermarket. Such an exciting day!!!

I note that there was a possible Fan-tailed Warbler heard at Minsmere RSPB today. Let's hope that it is confirmed tomorrow – the last one in East Anglia was in 1976 at Holme (which I saw). This will draw the crowds – I wouldn't mind seeing a second one!!!

Last Sunday's pictures now added - scroll down to the 9th March.

Snettisham Coastal Park

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