Friday 18 April 2014


Feel really ill with this cold, temperature virus – had to lie in. Got to Pymoor at just before 10am. It was freezing cold and raining on and off, which the BBC did NOT forecast today! It took me until 11.55am to see the Baikal Teal and my viewing was very brief and distant indeed – incredibly close to being in Norfolk! A Yellow Wagtail also flew overhead. Pintail, Shoveler, Wigeon, Teal, Cormorants, Grey Herons, Little Egrets, 2 Swallows and one Marsh Harrier also seen here. Feeling steadily worse and needed to go home, but also needed to help my mother out who has the same virus and much worse than me. The holiday traffic to Holme was atrocious, but got there in the end and delivered a few requested items and also went to the supermarket for parents and did a few minor chores around their house for them. Mother refused point blank to have a doctor out to her which I feel she needs but, well what can I do!!! Made both parents hot water bottles etc etc and left at 4pm.

Feeling worse, I needed to go home, but had a quick walk round Hunstanton lighthouse and had a look at the pitch 'n' putt for wagtails, but only found Woodpigeons and one Mistle Thrush.

Good night!


  1. Must have just missed you at Pymoor Penny.
    I managed to avoid the rain but the wind was pretty fierce making it feel more like a winter's day. The bird was very distant as you have said and with the wind it made it really hard to pin the bird down even when it did decide to show.

    Hope the virus clears up soon for you and your mother.
    Best wishes

  2. Yep, not exactly the most exciting birding at that distance Jim!

    Still feel rough today, so editing photos to add to blog, saving myself for tomorrow!
