Friday 11 April 2014


Will the Crag Martin seen at Flamborough Head today, grace the skies of Norfolk tomorrow? Who knows! Will keep my fingers crossed.

I didn't go birding after work this evening, as I wanted to catch up with jobs and get to bed early. Dawn 'til' dusk birding tomorrow! Can't decided where to start the day yet though.

Weekend Weather for Norfolk: HERE

SATURDAY – Winds: South West South
"Low cloud may linger near coasts. Otherwise a dry and bright or sunny morning. Cloudier through the afternoon with a few spots of light rain. Still occasionally bright in places."

SUNDAY – Winds: West North West
"Dry on Sunday with variable cloud and bright or sunny spells"

High Tide – King's Lynn Docs
Saturday: 5.39am and 17.46. Sunday: 6.16am and 18.24.

Tides – Wells Bar
Saturday: High Tide 5.24am, Low Tide 11.33, High Tide 17.28.
Sunday: High Tide 6.01am, Low Tide 12.14. High Tide 18.06.

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