Friday 4 April 2014


Chris Packham writes on his website:

"For many years I have lobbied the UK's bird charities to campaign to raise awareness about the slaughter of migrant birds on Malta. I have equally tried to stimulate television programme makers to cover the issue – both without success – a sad reflection of our complacent and risk adverse times.

Well, I've finally run out of patience and together with three colleagues and the support of Birdlife Malta this spring I will be making a nightly video diary of the days events on the island which will be posted on YouTube."
   Watch YouTube at 9.00 PM (UK time)   
  between the 21st and 26th of April 2014

Please share this with everyone, to highlight this sickening massacre of thousands upon thousands of birds. Chris Packham is filming the slaughter of these birds with three colleagues and putting videos on YouTube between 21st to 26th April. Part of the reason we have lost so many of OUR birds!!! READ the link above (website), amazing what he's doing off his own back!

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