Tuesday 1 April 2014

MEGA! Dusky Thrush in King's Lynn Cemetery!!!

Richard Millington inspired me to write a Dusky Thrush April Fools, after reading his post yesterday on the RFB thread on birdforum, where he suggested that the 'The Dusky Thrush from Devon should be reaching the east coast about now...'

So, this was my plan for April Fools. BUT, sadly I didn't get up early enough before work this morning to write it! Oh well – in any case, I don't think after my Snowy Owl April Fool last year which several people fell for and even went to Muckleborough Hill, anyone would be believe me this year!

Here are a few amusing April Fools Jokes today!
BTO: Robo-sandals: New GPS-guided footwear for birdwatchers
Simon King's Big Cat in his Garden
Butterfly Conservation: Dogerpillars

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