Wednesday 21 May 2014

Birding at Burnham Norton!

Sedge Warbler at Burnham Norton

Spending far too long blogging and editing pictures of late and not enough time out in the field!!! At 2am this morning, I just couldn't carry on looking through over 500 pictures of the Terek Sandpiper! So gave in and went to bed. With refreshed eyes this morning I sorted through them all and added to blog and usual RBA, Birdguides, Surfbirds and Birdforum sites.

I don't what happened to the forecast rain and cloud with east winds, that the BBC had clearly stated yesterday, as it didn't happen here! Its been sunny all day – well until 9pm when it started raining.
Reed Bunting at Burnham Norton.

Greylags at Burnham Norton.

Lapwing at Burnham Norton.
You can hear this same bird on the video below.

This afternoon I walked the three miles around Burnham Norton Marshes hoping to find my own Terek Sandpiper in the marshy pools or something anyway! I had the entire place to myself and not a dog in sight – magical!

Birds seen: Marsh Harrier, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Shelducks, Tufted Ducks, Shovelers, Redshanks, Avocets, Sedge and Reed warbler, Swallows, House Martins and Swifts late afternoon, 2 Mistle Thrushes on roof of house in carpark, Reed Buntings, Whitethroats, Blackcap singing, Wood Pigeons, 2 Cuckoos, Cormorants, Lapwings, Little, Common and Sandwich Tern, Black-headed Gulls. So just the usual birds, well I say usual, they were lovely don't get me wrong, but WHERE was my Terek Sandpiper! Oh well, another day tomorrow! Beautiful sunset as I was leaving.



  1. 2 Cuckoos, I haven't even heard one yet this year. A great blog post. From Findlay

  2. Hi Findlay!
    Hope you hear and see one soon!
    Thank you.
    Happy birding!
