Friday 23 May 2014


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert' 
Little Gulls x 3 at Hickling Broad NWT
Garganey, Little Gull, Spoonbill at Titchwell RSPB
Grey-headed Wagtail, Wood Sandpiper at Kelling (MAG)
BEE-EATER in garden (then flew south) at Winterton (I could cry, a Bee-eater in your garden!)
Little Stint, Little Gull, Garganey at Rush Hill Scrape, Hickling Broad NWT
RED-BACKED SHRIKE, Snow Bunting, Stone Curlew at Blakeney Point (see pictures of the RBS and SB here on the BP Blog)
TURTLE DOVE at Snettisham Coastal Park
Bufflehead (esc) at Bayfield Hall Lake
Whinchat at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse
RAVEN flew east over North Creake
TURTLE DOVE at Choseley Drying Barns

Other News
BEE-EATERS x 4 flew south over Bawdsey Cliffs, Suffolk
Red-rumped Swallow at Felixstowe, Suffolk
GREAT REED WARBLER at Gibraltar Point NNR, Lincolnshire

• News from Holme HERE
• News from Titchwell HERE
MEGA! SNOWY OWLBenbecula, Western Isles!
MEGA! BAILLON'S CRAKEstill, Oare Marshes Nature Reserve, Kent!

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