Thursday 29 May 2014

Snettisham Coastal Park!

Snettisham Coastal Park – eastern most end.

I ached with tiredness from last's night's mega excitement and all I wanted to do when I got home from work was sleep. But I forced myself to go birding. With these easterlies winds and continued rain, there must be loads of exciting birds still to find, surely?!

I stayed local and went to Snettisham Coastal Park. It had stopped raining, but skies cloudy and dull. I walked miles and miles and ended up at Heacham before I turned back! Scanned every hawthorn bush all the way along for a Red-backed Shrike, nothing. Several Blackcaps singing, Sedge Warbler feeding young, Reed Warblers singing, a Cetti's Warbler burst into tune, a single Chiffchaff flicking about, Cuckoo's calling, Goldfinches, Blackbirds, Whitethroats and Hedgesparrows. As the evening progressed, so did the hirundine movement – mostly Swifts, but a few Swallows also flying through.
Yellow-horned Poppies.


I walked back along the top coastal path and estimated 300+ Oystercatchers roosting on the shoreline – fantastic spectacle! Ringed Plover also on the beach. Several Sandwich Terns flying over inland. The highlight of the evening was two very cute fluffy white bunnies feeding on the large short turfed area. Got home shattered at 9pm.

Good news about my RBA pager, its now working again!!! I think it got damp after walking Burnham Overy Dunes the other day. I took the battery out last night and left it to dry all day and its working fine again this evening.

Andy W. told me he went to have a second look at the Black-headed Bunting this evening and said there was only about 10 people, when he was there!

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