Tuesday 10 June 2014

A Beautiful Evening!

Lots of boring jobs today and being lazy. I need to cut the hedge and lots of gardening to do, but far too hot to do any of that! Booked an appointment with the Apple Store at Chapelfield, Norwich this week as my second iphone has a speaker problem! I can hear other people clearly on the phone, but they can't hear me – my voice fades in and out distantly. When I googled this, I find out there is a big issue with the iphone 5s with lots of users! Could be on my third phone by tomorrow!

Spent the evening with my sister Lucy. Went to Holme, sat on my picnic rug on the NOA carpark, where we had sandwiches, ice-cream etc. We walked across to the beach, through the pines and on to the observatory and back to carpark. Lucy couldn't believe how much things have changed at the observatory since she last visited. A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling in the reed bed next to the carpark. Several Red Admirals around. Lucy's memory of names of plants and flowers when she was a youngster is incredible. Several Whitethroats around, nothing else of note.

Visited parent's in evening. Father was sitting inches from the TV so he could listen to and watch 'Springwatch' – he says he can see the picture if he sits that close, but I don't believe he can – when I asked him what colour someone's coat was, he pretended not to hear. Mother has a bad ankle which has gone on for weeks now. She stubbonly won't book a GP appointment, so I made her one for next week – she was not happy about this at all! I am fully expecting her to cancel it, I give up! Oh well, I least I tried!

Oh and Vivien if you are reading this, don't forget it's Father's Day on Sunday. If you are not working, see you in the afternoon. X

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