Saturday 14 June 2014


Went into Holt to buy a Father's Day present for tomorrow and then drove to Cley. I don't know what possessed me to walk Blakeney Point today, I really don't! Cloudy and dull all morning. A few Meadow Pipits, Linnets and Reed Buntings on the way up. A single Chiffchaff in The 'Plantation' along with a couple of Linnets and a Meadow Pipit.

The sun came blazing out by mid afternoon and the walk back along the beach was stunning, with huge waves crashing on the shingle. The sea was not like a mill pond today! A beautiful afternoon, but no birds of note really. The odd Sandwich and Little Tern heading back to the colony with fish.

Back at Coastguards, I collapsed in the car, had a cup of tea and chilled for a bit. I observed that the new notices that have been erected stating that dogs must be on a lead at all times, even on the beach, were being adhered to.... NOT!!! If any NWT staff are reading this, may I suggest the notice is bigger, bolder type and is placed on the middle of the shingle bank (where people cross over onto the beach), where the cars pull up at the front. No one that pulled up into the carpark with dogs this evening, even glanced at the notice boards over on the left hand side.

Dauke's Hide, Cley NWT
With Eddie M., Andy J., and Pete S. Eight Spoonbills seen and juvs. begging mother for food, lovely to watch. Birds seen: Avocets, Little Egrets, Black-tailed Godwits, Shelducks, Teal, Shoveler, Ringed Plover, Pied Wagtails, Grey Heron, Marsh Harrier.


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