Friday 13 June 2014

Emerald & Turquoise Jewels!

Incredibly hot again today, as it has been all week, although cooler on the coast apparently. I didn't bother posting yesterday as I was doing so many mundane things, it wasn't worth boring you all to tears. Today was much the same, but I eventually escaped late afternoon.

'Natural Surroundings', Bayfield Lake
I had a fabulous time here, photographing insects. The light was beautiful this evening and although it was probably too late in the day for dragonflies, I did manage to see and photograph a strikingly pretty Male Emerald Damselfly and also an interesting shieldbug. It was very picture postcard here, with water lilies and Swan on nest, pair of Tufted Ducks silhouetted over metallic green water, family of Mallards, Moorhen and cows in the field with buttercups. Also saw a couple of Tortoiseshell Butterflies on a patch of stinging nettles. Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps were also singing to set the scene.

Back on the approach road to 'Natural Surroundings' I found at least half a dozen Banded Demoiselles fluttering around the Yellow Flag Irises next to the Gunnera Plants. I was so pleased to have found these, I absolutely love them – stunning to watch with their metallic blue bodies and wings. Spent a long time photographing these with 300f4 lens and 100mm macro lens. Made my day!

Gramborough Hill, Salthouse
Reed Bunting, Whitethroat feeding young and 2 Goldfinches seen in the scrub at base of the hill. Watched the Sand Martins skimming over the top of the sandy cliff. It was incredibly still, not a breath of wind and the sea was like a mill pond! Several Carrion Crows about and a big flock of Starlings landed on the marsh, 1 Little Egret and that was about it. The bull in the field has definitely got a screw loose, be warned!

7 Spoonbills on the NWT pools at Cley, which I lazily scoped from the Cley NWT Visitor Centre carpark before going home!


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