Monday 9 June 2014

Monday Update!

I have got a bit behind with stuff over the last few days as I'm sure a few of you have realised. When I got home on Saturday evening I was exhausted, having been up since 2.30am to go and see the Spectacled Warbler again! I could hardly write the Norfolk news up that day, never mind write a day up in the field! Yesterday I worked two jobs, my normal scheduled Sunday as a Therapy Assistant (we finished early) and then unexpectedly did another shift as a Bank N/A and finished at 9pm – by the time I got home, I was again too tired to do any serious blogging.

So here I am now, after a wonderful night's sleep, rising at 8.45am and ready for the beginning of my week's holiday! I may cancel the second half of the week though and save some day's. Now going to write up Saturday's post, sort through tons of pictures for that post and also add pictures for my recent East Hills post.

Lots of pictures now added to my East Hills post on 1st June:

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