Saturday 21 June 2014

Nightjars & The Big Cat!!!

On hearing late news in the day that there were three Silver-washed Fritillaries at Holt Country Park this morning, I decided to head there first. It was too late in the day when I got there though. Tested out the new olloclip macro 3-in-1 lens (see my last post) – see photos to be added.

Dauke's Hide, Cley NWT – I had the hide to myself! It was a beautiful evening – 2 Little Ringed Plovers, 3 Spoonbills (1 adult and 2 juvs begging food) and a Sparrowhawk where the main highlights along with the usual Avocets, Redshanks, Teal, Mallards, Pied Wagtails, 2 Grey Herons, 3 Little Egrets, Shelducks, Shoveler, Black-headed Gulls, 2 Marsh Harriers and several Swifts gracing the skies. A beautiful sunset on the longest day of the year.

Edgefield –  at least three Nightjars here – whizzing around my head, it was awesome. Managed to record them churring on the iphone – which I need to now find out how to get onto the computer and I will then add to this post. The mist come up over the wood piles and it really looked eerie at 10.30pm!!! As I was about to leave...... in the headlights of the car I could see two eyes shining! At first I thought fox, but it wasn't – most definitily a cat, a big cat, but wild cat size, not puma! Put it this way, it was huge chunky cat for a domestic cat!!!! It stood staring at me for a few seconds and then turned and disappeared into the bracken and undergrowth. Made me think very hard about being here in the dark alone!

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