Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The Shooting of Migratory Birds in Malta 2014 - Featuring Bill Oddie!

Mark McCormick, Senior Communications Officer for LEAGUE AGAINST CRUEL SPORTS asked me if I would feature this video on my blog to gain awareness of the ongoing slaughter of birds in Malta. Obviously I was more than happy to do this. Here is the film, made in April this year. This sad and pointless loss of life needs to end, hopefully this will happen soon.



  1. Its disgusting and i hope u don't mind but I've shared it on fb, people need to be aware of it. I've been making people aware for a few months now, it needs.stopping!!

  2. Hi Sue - thank you for sharing, keep sharing please!
    Best Wishes Penny

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this Penny. Your support is truly appreciated.

  4. Hi Mark - it's the least I can do, let me know if you want anything else posting in the future.
    Best Wishes Penny
