Sunday, 20 July 2014

Family Get Together!

Worked all day – insanely hot on the ward. Whizzed home, shower and straight out of door to take both my sisters to Holme to spend some time with our parents where we all had a lovely evening. Father walking badly, trying to teach him to walk properly with my physio experience, but don't think I can change the bad walking pattern he has developed sadly.

Made the mistake of watching a very disturbing drama this evening, based on a true story, when I should have gone to bed early – wished I hadn't watched it to be honest, excellent acting and a tragic end. You know when the credits start to roll and you can't believe its ended there! Very sad. Here is a link to the drama.


  1. That was a brilliant drama Penny and very, very frightening. This sort of behaviour is going on all around us and needs stamping out - I just hope it gets seen by those directly affected by it and they do something about it, even if just telling their closest confidants

  2. Hi Lee - thanks for posting. So sad that this was a true story and that right now this is going on in someone's home – heartbreaking.
