Monday 25 August 2014

Bank Holiday Monday Update

No birds today, just work and a MASSIVE rant!!!

I crawled out of bed like a wrecked zombie, after suffering all night listening to neighbour's dog, which had been left on its own. I felt so tired, but had to get up, as was at work for the entire day. I almost phoned in sick.

I don't know how I got through work today with almost no sleep. The dog had been left alone all night to bark and howl continuously, until neighbour's lodger returned at 4.15am!!! AND that's with a new special 'training collar' fitted to stop him barking!!! That really worked, not!!! My neighbour who is a really nice man (which makes it all the more difficult) told me only yesterday that he has bought a new special 'training' collar for the dog, as he (owner) is now going to be working more night shifts now. WELL..... the collar DOESN'T BLOODY WELL work!!!

Dogs should ONLY be with people that are at home ALL day. Dogs are not supposed to be left on their own all day, whilst owners are at work – not fair to the dog who is obviously lonely and bored, or to neighbour's that want to have a night's sleep!!!

I have since found out this evening that several neighbour's in the street were also kept awake until 4.15am and they are all several doors away from me!!! One neighbour said to me 'don't know how you put up with it, living next door'.

If this carries on, I will turn into a raving psychopath and I'm not joking!


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