Saturday 9 August 2014

Exciting Day, Not!

Today didn't go to plan at all. It was so boring, it's hardly worth posting. Got up fairly early, did pile of ironing, felt wrecked with tiredness still and went back to bed – got up at 11am! Shower, washed hair, had lunch. Had to go into town to finalise and close my Barclays account after being with them for 33 years. I'm now a Nationwide Customer with no OD fees! Did the supermarket run. More jobs at home and then spent the evening weeding the front garden! Can't believe I didn't get out in the sunshine when its going to team down with rain and high winds tomorrow, oh well at least I got loads of essential stuff done.

Finish at 1pm tomorrow. Even if its raining, I'm going out birding. Hopefully I'll be watching amazing birds dropping out of the skies on SE winds and rain!!!

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