Wednesday 6 August 2014

FRANKLIN'S GULL New Bird For The 'Cley Square'!!!

Found by James McCallum on North Scrape,  Cley NWT late this evening!!!

Eddie M., Andy J. and Dave H. were sitting in Dauke's Hide at Cley when they got the call. Eddie said he ran down the boardwalk to his car and got to North Scrape just in time to watch the Franklin's Gull for about 15 minutes before the light faded. Apparently it flew towards Blakeney Harbour, but Eddie didn't see it fly off, as he had already left.

Chatting to Eddie this evening, if its gone to Blakeney Harbour, my chances of seeing that before having to leave to go to work in the morning, will be very slim. So I will more than probably go after work tomorrow instead and hope it returns to Cley NWT!

Good luck to anyone going tomorrow.

Eddie has a picture here:

Marcus Nash, who was sitting next to James has a picture here:

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