Wednesday 13 August 2014

FRANKLIN'S GULL returns to Cley NWT!

I received a phonecall from Eddie this evening to say the FRANKLIN'S GULL had been found in the roost again again at 8.19pm on Simmond's Scrape, Cley NWT by Gary Wright and watched with Mark G, Andy J. and Eddie M. Pleased for Mark who was 'out of town' when it appeared on the evening of the 6th August, being as its his patch! Not pleased for me though, who even with my driving reputation could have got there before dark!!! After the pager news went out, a few others manage to get there in time including: Trevor Davis, Andy Stoddart, Ron and Sue Johns, Steve and Sue G., James McCallum (second viewing, having found it on the 6th), Steve Beal and a few others.

Maybe I'll be lucky over the next few days!

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