Tuesday 26 August 2014

North East Winds Produce!!!

Well these North East Winds did indeed produce today, with good numbers of migrants scattered along the coast, including Pied Flys, Redstarts, Whinchats and Wrynecks and a good passage of sea birds to add to the list. The day's not over yet as I'm sure something amazing will be found by one of the usual rarity finders eg James McCallum just before dusk, when you know that it's far too late in the day to be running down the 'Point'!!!

I should be out birding myself this evening, but far too tired! Just hope nothing mega turns up before dusk! Tomorrow will be fine, but just not this evening please, still need to catch up on sleep from dog incident. Even as I type there are more birds turning up with another Pied Fly now at Holme and Warham..... bother!!!

For anyone with the iphone 5s and who uses the new filter options before taking a picture, please take note – I normally plug my phone into my Mac, open Applications and then open 'Image Capture' which then shows all the pictures on the phone ready for me to 'import' onto chosen folder on the Mac. But, be warned, the  pictures you have applied filters to, do NOT show up in the list – it simply does not recognise the pictures. So with advice from a Mac 'queen' on Facebook (Michelle H.) I found the only way to solve this, was to email the pictures to myself and then open them on the Mac – this method saves the pictures with the applied filter. Crazy that you can't copy these filtered pictures across the normal way. Discussion on the 'Apple Support Communities' HERE.

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