Monday 15 September 2014


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Yellow-browed Warbler, Barred Warbler, Firecrest at Salthouse.
Barred Warbler, Honey Buzzard, South Dunes at Winterton.
RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER, ICTERINE WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 2, Redstarts x 2, Tree Pipit, Whinchats x 2, Hen Harrier, Honey Buzzard at Garden Drove, Warham Greens.
Lapland Bunting at Morston.
Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Great Yarmouth Churchyard.
Osprey at East Somerton.
Tree Pipit at Burnham Deepdale.
Pied Flycatchers x 7, Redstarts x 2, Firecrest at Wells Woods.
Red-backed Shrike, Osprey, Redstarts x 2, Pied Flycatchers x 2, Whinchats x 5, Long-tailed Skua at Horsey.
RED-THROATED PIPIT (flew south), Tree Pipit, Osprey at Breydon Water.
Great White Egret, Little Stint at Welney WWT.
Firecest west of 'Greenway' at Stiffkey.
Pied Flycatcher, Redstart at Stiffkey Campsite Wood, Whinchats x 7 at Stiffkey Greens.
Hen Harrier at Kelling.
Firecrests x 2, Pied Flycatcher at Waxham.
Spoonbills x 3, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Spotted Redshanks x 5 at Titchwell RSPB.
Pied Flycatcher at Thornham Point.
PALLID HARRIER Juv. Probable, flew east past Choseley over ridge at 5.40pm.
HOOPOE (in area with no general access), Redstarts x 8, Whinchats x 2 at Blakeney Point .
Black-necked Grebe at Burnham Overy Staithe.
Pied Flycatchers x 2, Redstart at Holme NOA.
RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHERS x 2, Redstarts x 2 at East Hills, Wells.

Suffolk, Cambs, South Lincs Main News & More!
RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER at Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire.
RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER at Saltfleet, Lincolnshire.
Pectoral Sandpipers x 2 at Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincolnshire.
RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER trapped and ringed at Languard Nature Reserve, Suffolk.
Bufflehead esc. at Trimley Marshes, Suffolk.
Great White Egret at Berry Fen, Cambridgeshire.


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