Thursday 23 October 2014

Cley and Salthouse Birding!

I started to walk Blakeney Point, but then turned back as I realised it was too soon with my ankle. Felt really sad about this, but never mind!

Walsey Hills NOA produced a Female Blackcap, Blackbird, Song Thrush, 3 Blue Tits, 3 Great Tits, Male Bullfinch, Chaffinch and 1 Robin all in one bush in the copse by Snipe's Marsh.

Gramborough Hill at Salthouse produced 1 Goldcrest. I counted 77 Curlew on the flooded marsh along with a few Redshanks. Flushed a Snow Bunting just west of the hill which then flew over the shingle ridge. Beautiful sunset this evening.

Bumped into Kieran and we chatted about Patch Challenges and birding in general before I left for home.

Several Mega Birds today as a result of Hurricane Gonzalo.... CHIMNEY SWIFT,  GREY-CHEEKED THRUSH and HERMIT THRUSH on the Western Isles, YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO in Cornwall, BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO and a GREY-CHEEKED THRUSH on Orkney!!!


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