Monday 13 October 2014

Dripping with Birds in Norfolk!!!

"Its all kicked off with stacks of birds" was a text I received at work this afternoon from a birder out in the field!!! So frustrating to be at work when its like this! I have next week off, I really hope I havn't got it wrong!!!

Rushed home after work, rushed straight out and drove to the nearest half decent place before it gets dark to Snettisham Coastal Park – got there about 5.40pm. In the pouring rain the place was alive with thrushes: blackbirds, songthrushes, redwings – also robins and hedgesparrows. Couldn't find any with a blue tail though!!! At one point I could see at least 5 robins in one small hawthorn! Several LBJ's zipping across me into cover at dusk. I WANT TOMORROW OFF!!!

Then went to Hunstanton to Tescos and Sainsburys and delivered shopping to my parents, then back to King's Lynn, filled up with diesel and got home at about 8.30pm. Phew! Just having a microwave tea and then need to type up yesterday's birding day – I knew I should have done that last night!

There are tons more birds that are not on the pager yet. Heard about 2 Great Grey Shrikes and several Ring Ouzels at Walsey Hills alone!!!

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