Friday 17 October 2014

Hot Birding Starts Here!

At last the week has ended! The longest week EVER! The winds have turned South West and the list has shortened today, however there are still birds to be seen and hopefully more to arrive. Can't wait to get out there! Did I mention I had NINE days off!!! I'm so eager to get out there that I have cancelled my hair appointment tomorrow! Managed to get an evening appt. this coming Wednesday instead.

My mother phoned me this evening to say she had loads of birds in the pond area opposite her house around 3.30pm, including Redwings, Blackbirds, Robins, Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps all coming down to bathe! She also had a possible Bluethroat which promptly disappeared!

Weather for the Weekend
Generally rather cloudy and breezy with rain or drizzle at times and a continuing risk of a sharp shower but some brighter spells possible, especially in the east. South/South West winds all day.

Sunday, early sharp showers then sunny spells, isolated showers and still quite warm despite the breeze. South West winds all day.

High Tides – Wells Bar
Saturday – 2.31 and 15.24  Sunday – 3.37 and 16.24

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

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