Monday 6 October 2014


SCARLET TANAGER on Barra, Outer Hebrides!

Picture HERE and discussion HERE. Or is it?!!! See last few posts on this link late this evening/early am. Going by the bill shape/size would fit Summer Tanager..... maybe?!!! That will get people running, as the only record for Summer Tanager was at Bardsey in 1957! See archive papers and pictures of this HERE fascinating reading about the ID of this bird and difference in bill lengths, between Scarlet and Summer Tanager.

It's always been on my to do list, to visit Barra – cool and crazy twitch that would be if I could afford to go! Wouldn't it be great to find one of these in The Plantation on Blakeney Point or better still one of these!

Hoping for some crazy rares at the weekend, preferably in Norfolk!

UPDATE – Tuesday. Pictures now on the Western Isles Wildlife Site.

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