Thursday 9 October 2014


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
STEPPE GREY SHRIKE still for fifth day at Burnham Norton! 
Yellow-browed Warbler at Horsey.
Long-tailed Skua, Great Skuas x 5, Firecrest at North Dunes, Winterton.
Great White Egret flew south over Great Yarmouth.
Black Redstart at Cley.
Little Stint at Cley NWT.
Great White Egret at Hickling Broad NWT.

Suffolk, Cambs, South Lincs Main News & More!
MEGA! LITTLE CRAKE at Minsmere RSPB, Suffolk.
Red-backed Shrike just north of Ness Point at Lowestoft, Suffolk.
Grey Phalarope, Pomarine Skuas x 2, Great Skuas x 12 at Freiston Shore RSPB, Lincolnshire.
Glossy Ibis, Pomarine Skua at Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincolnshire.

MEGA! SCARLET TANAGER for fourth day on Barra, Outer Hebrides. More photos and further discussion on this bird HERE.
MEGA! SOLITARY SANDPIPER still, County Wexford, Ireland.
MEGA! BLYTH'S PIPIT, St Mary's, Scilly Isles.
MEGA! LITTLE CRAKE still, Minsmere RSPB, Suffolk.
MEGA! GREAT SNIPE trapped & ringed near Llandrindod Wells, Powys, South Wales.

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