Monday 6 October 2014

Return to Work!

Well, I returned to work today on 'light duties' and it was nice to see all my colleagues again. Ankle played up a bit, but probably because I was overdoing things! I inspected the tree root that did my ankle in and carefully walked around it!

What a contrast in the weather today! Summer yesterday, cruel cold winter gales today! I gave in and put the heating on this evening, it was freezing when I walked into my house – nice and toasty now though!

I hate these dark evenings, no more birding after work – always scary what will turn up in October, when you are not able to see it until the weekend. Monday not a good day, as if anything does get found, you've got to hope it stays another four days, Tuesday nearly as bad, Wednesday better chances, Thursday, improved chance and Friday well... it could go either way! Friday's are famous for the 'Friday night bunk'!!! So I will just keep my fingers crossed and Roll on the weekend!

A Mega SCARLET TANAGER got found on Barra Outer Hebrides today – there had to be something big with these gales. More to be found I'm sure!

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