Friday 14 November 2014

Fracture Review!

Review appointment this morning at the Fracture Clinic to be informed by a very nice Consultant that I havn't actually fractured my finger afterall (borderline), but as he explained (which I knew already) severe bruising can be just as painful. A nurse then removed my splinting and applied some nice support bandages, which felt much more comfortable. There was no suggestion of draining the blood away from the haematoma, so I didn't bring it up! The good news is I can drive the car, but only allowed to do 'admin' duties for the following three weeks until healed. The bad news is (yes there is more!) I pulled a muscle in my back whilst trying to have a shower this morning! However, my 'Blue Peter' skills came in useful for making my hand waterproof – a large plastic food bag, secured with rubber band over at elbow – worked brilliantly! Will be glad when my catalogue of accidents is done with! Thank you to everyone who has very kindly sent me get well messages.

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