Saturday, 22 November 2014

The Shortest Birding Trip!

Things have not been going to plan this week at all. Several things that I was quite excited and positive about, have been squashed unfortunately. Back to the drawing board. Feeling tired, fed-up and having a pre-mid-life crisis!

Why are there blue skies and sunshine during the week and then rain and clouds at weekends? – so unfair!

Watched tons of Brent Geese feeding in a field just east of Titchwell by the church this afternoon and got a nice little video with the Canon 7D. Short walk at dusk at Titchwell RSPB to hear 2 Cetti's Warblers and watched several large Starling flocks over the reedbeds.
Brent Geese at Titchwell

Photos to be added


  1. You ask why are there blue skies and sunshine during the week and then rain and clouds at weekends?

    Last year I did some number crunching on rainfall data in South East England from 1931-2013 and discovered that this is a real effect. On average there has been 3.6% more rainfall on weekend days than on week days over this period. From subsequent internet research I discovered that this effect has also been shown in USA and is thought to be due to levels of two urban pollutants, ozone and carbon monoxide, rising as the weekend approached.
