Sunday 7 December 2014

Cley NWT!

Woke up Saturday with sorethroat virus and felt rubbish, so no birding on Saturday. Felt the same this morning, but forced myself out of the house.

I didn't have the energy to drive 70 miles each way to Winterton, even though it would have been nice to see my third Desert Wheatear this year! This virus has made me feel sleepy all day and I regret driving anywhere to be honest.

Arrived at Cley Coastguards to a wonderful view of a double rainbow, sunshine and a downpour. I felt utterly shattered and curled up the car and dozed. No birds of note on the sea. Turnstone and Black-headed Gull on the beach. Brent Geese on the Eye Field. Walsey Hills NOA held only Great, Blue Tits and a Chaffinch, but I did see a Sparrowhawk over Arnold's Marsh. Walked along the East Bank and bumped into John F – bitterly cold late afternoon.

Dauke's Hide NWT – I was the only person here. Shelducks, Teal, Widgeon, Little Egrets, Mallards, Marsh Harrier and bird of the day was a Bittern flying over the reedbed!

I was going to drive to my parent's via coast road, but felt too tired to drive the extra miles, so went home. Felt so sleepy on the way back and had to keep stopping. Had a unexpected surprise visit from both my sister's, a few moments after arriving home. They both sampled my fruit cake (made on Friday) watched 'Strictly' with me and then departed. It was lovely to see them both even though I felt exhausted. Not one of my best weekends!

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