Sunday 21 December 2014

Weekend and Christmas Update!

Not much to report at all really – no more mishaps, no gossip – well there might be soon, but can't say anything at the moment!

I spent Friday evening with my colleagues round Sara's house for drinks, excellent buffet with log fire and lots of laughter. Got home at a reasonable time. Absolutely shattered as had a particularly hard day at work with emotional stuff going on.

Up late Saturday and lots of chores to do in town, which was dead boring and very tedious with all the crowds, but had to be done. Managed to get my parent's a real Christmas tree from 'The Range' on Hardwick Industrial Estate for £7.50 (reduced from £14.99) – bargain!!! Picked up a pizza with spicy wedges from Gallanios Pizza (best one in Lynn) and watched the Strictly Finale! Whizzed over to Holme to deliver the tree, which fitted a treat in the corner of the dining room.

Sunday has been spent at work all day. Fell asleep when I got home.

I have been working six years exactly to the day tomorrow in my job as a Therapy Assistant – there has been so many changes in my time there and I have worked with alot of fabulous people.

I am at work every day this week including Christmas Eve, as I usually do. Christmas Eve (evening) will be spent making my Carrot Cake that I made recently to take to my parent's on Christmas Day. Christmas Day will be spent with all the family. Boxing Day I hope to escape out into the wilds of Norfolk! I also have the Saturday and Sunday off. Back to work on the Monday all week. Nothing exciting happening on New Year's Eve unless anyone has any suggestions!!! New Year's Day will be my annual BIRD RACE!!!

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