Monday 26 January 2015

49 – The Last Hour!

Got up late and have been in the doldrums all day. I don't know quite why, I just have. Well, ok its probably due to my mid-life crisis about being 50 tomorrow. Couldn't motivate myself to do anything at all. Did some washing and even that was an effort. Cooked brunch, snoozed on sofa.

Looked through the new Skoda Fabia brochure to select options to add to the car and made a list before I go to the garage to sign on the dotted line over the next few days. Can't decide on the colour, but think I will pick black this time, yes I know black shows the dirt, but then so does my current pacific blue colour! I thought black would make it look a bit trendier!!! Well maybe not, but my currrent Skoda has been a fantastic car, so why not get another! Excellent service from Walkers Skoda in King's Lynn

The last hour of being 49! Can't believe I'm going to be 50 tomorrow – so depressing, how did I get that old!!! Going birding in the morning and then spending the rest of the day with my family. "The older you get the quicker time goes".... as said by an old neighbour of mine Derek Rochester in Sudbury, Suffolk where I lived many moons ago.


  1. Penny, tomorrow you will just be one day older than you are today, (no big deal). And it will be your birthday. Hope you have a lovely day and find a cracking bird in the morning.

  2. Thanks Paul, I know, but.... it just the word 'fifty' !!! Thanks for your birthday wishes.
