Tuesday 27 January 2015


"Norfolk, dead, Little Bustard on Thursday
22nd January, east of Norwich near Blofield picked up from road.
" via Rare Bird Alert.

Picture here on RBA and Twitter:

Such a shame to be have been found dead, so sad. That would have been a MASSIVE twitch had it been found alive!!! There hasn't been one in Norfolk since 1968 and that was also found dead!

Previous Records via RBA
I find these previous records fascinating to read on Rare Bird Alert – well worth subscribing to for bird and mega news, past records, articles etc.

1 comment:

  1. Such a pity...
    I don't suppose it was the one from "Oop t'North" trying to make its way back?
    Those old records you've posted are fascinating...
    never more than strays...
    and most blown out the sky by idiots with guns!!

    France lost over half of its greatest breeding population in 24hrs two years ago...
    they breed at what is now Marseille's Airport:
    This is from Birdwatch [News Archive]
    [ http://www.birdwatch.co.uk/channel/newsitem.asp?cate=__14578 ]

    "On 25 June, the prefect of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) region, authorized the shooting of up to 50 Little Bustards at Marseille Provence Airport because of the risk to aviation safety.
    Thirty-eight bustards were, however, already killed in those few days, even though they were in the process of breeding.

    Some breed near here [30 Kilometres NorNorEast of us]...
    we've not yet seen them...
    the LPO's organized trips have always been on awkward dates for us!
    I've always had a soft spot for the "Farting Duck"...
    which is the literal translation of its French name...
    Outarde canepetière.
