Thursday 26 February 2015

Chest Infection!

No improvement at all - 38.5 temperature this evening, Feel like crap. Dragged myself to my house late afternoon as needed to check it was ok – not been there since Tuesday when the house was fumigated. It was depressing driving into my road and part of me doesn't want to go back there at all. As I opened the door, a new and sickly smell enveloped my nose – I was told it would smell like cherry blossom – yeah right!!! It worries me that an air purifier has to run 24 hours – will be able to claim for the electric via insurance, so my cleaning company told me. I could still smell smoke in the house, especially upstairs. There is no way you could sleep in this house. Also I was told that I can't open the windows as this affects the air purifier and also I risk getting smoke back into my house from next door's house, until theirs is sorted and that could take weeks, if not months.

I put the washing machine on and soon as this finished, I went to Tescos to buy some coat hangers (mine all stink of smoke) and some clean bags etc. Asked for boxes to be saved for me for tomorrow morning. Went back home and realised the second lot of washing was not going to be done in time for the laundrettes. Went back to the laundrettes and tumble dried the first lot of washing, then returned home to wait for the second washload to finish, then returned to hotel. Felt like I had run a marathan by the time I got into bed. Lucy went to visit Father today who was sitting out in chair – again, I couldn't go as too ill.

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