Friday 13 February 2015

End of an Era!

To All My Work Colleagues
Today was the last day in my post as Senior Therapy Assistant on the Stroke Ward, where I have been working for the last six years. I have worked with some special and wonderful people over the years both in my rehab team and on the ward. The team has changed so much in that short time, from working with only Lesley, Val, Cararline and myself as T/A's at the start – all those ladies have sadly now left. The beginning of the Community Team and the changes that this brought about, securing our office to increase our working space in the gym etc. I have enjoyed working with everyone and only have one big complaint..... there are far too many 'bake-off' cooks – so hopefully in my new post as Discharge Planning Assistant I will lose the three stone I have gained in the Stroke Rehab. Team!!! Thank you all very much for my very generous TK Maxx Voucher (£45) and lovely heartfelt words in my card. Also massive thanks to the very lovely and unexpected present and card from Sharen Keys, Esther, Sarah and Helen – a turquoise pen and pencil set with birds on and a bird themed A4 writing book. Also Chocolate bunnies from Jane V. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. I'm sure I will bump into you all when I am flying up and down the corridors in my new post! I wish my successor all the best and hope she finds her new role as fulfilling as I did. I have left a few birdy surprises around the office and gym – you all need to keep up your bird ID skills! Thanks again. Penny xxx

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