Monday 23 February 2015

My Visit to Father

Visited my Father in hospital this evening at 7.45pm. He was very tearful - we cried together, but he seemed to be understanding a bit better. The nurse reported that he had had loads to eat at tea time. Lucy had been to visit him this afternoon.

Went home and could hardly breathe with the stench of smoke in my house - my throat was rasping and I had to go in and out as quickly as possible. Walked round to Sarah's house with my duvet, pillow and bag and felt like the bag lady! Round at Sarah's I have drunk half a glass of brandy. I realised that I couldn't use my duvet or pillow as they stunk of smoke. Typing this in Sarah's spare bedroom via BlogPress. Have to have a day off work tomorrow as a Cleaning team and Insurance company are coming round. Good Night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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