Monday 27 April 2015

Reactions: Hunting season closed after shot bird falls into school yard - PN agrees, Yes campaigner attacks decision -

Reactions: Hunting season closed after shot bird falls into school yard - PN agrees, Yes campaigner attacks decision -

1 comment:

  1. Poor bloody Kestrel....
    and well done the PM for stopping the season!
    If... and it is a big if... that bird survives, it can never fly free again... so sad!!
    However, it could be "used" to educate future possible hunters... and I would hope that the effect on the kids in the playground will filter out into the local populace.
    And the hunter who shot the cuckoo knew he was wrong... why else hide the corpse under a stone!
    My bro' was driving in the Cockley Cley area last week and saw a Red Kite...
    he stopped to get some pix....
    immediately after, he heard some shots from the direction the kite was flying in...
    and no sign of kite!!
    He reported it to the police... with a map showing positions... but, I wonder what will happen...
    probably nothing...
    after all in West Norfolk, it was merely a gamekeeper "doing his duty"!
    Sorry, Penny... I seem to get more cynical as I get older...
    Grumpy in France
