Friday 15 May 2015

Friday Update!

So tired this week, still not recovered from all the hard core birding this week! Had massive problems last night with trying to email large picture files for publication, but discovered something really simple that I should have known already.... how to save a picture as a compressed zip file – simple when you know how!

Did Mother's shopping last night, much later than I had intended and ended up going to bed far too late. I could have slept all day today to be honest, but obviously had to go to work.

I mean't to say earlier in the week. My sister Vivien texted me on Wednesday to say the following "I saw a sea eagle at 8.30am this morning – gliding, three times as big as a bird of prey – long white head...." Now, Vivien is not a birder as you can tell from the description, but when I spoke to her, she insisted it wasn't a Common Crane, which was my first thoughts. She then went on to say that it was really high up in the sky when I spoke to her on the phone. This bird was seen in Ely, which is where she lives. Vivien wanted to let me know, just in case something interesting was seen, that matched her description. Obviously we havn't heard anything yet!

Weather for the Norfolk Bird & Wildlife Fair!

North West winds. Generally fine with early cloud soon breaking to allow some sunny spells. Winds easing somewhat and feeling pleasant in the sunshine.

Westerly winds. Mainly dry with some bright spells on Sunday.

Hope to see some of you at the Norfolk Bird & Wildlife Fair!

Have a fabulous weekend!

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