Friday 29 May 2015


BILL ODDIE – SpringWatch Presenter!

Michaela Strachan
(I didn't have a picture of Michaela, so had to pinch this!)

 Simon King

The Unsprung Team!
 David Lindo, Nick Baker, Lee Evans & Penny Clarke!
That sounds so cool! LOL!

A birding Facebook friend was stating that he thought Springwatch was "a load of rubbish" this year and then stated "Bring back Bill" to which I agreed and replied:

"Bill Oddie IS BBC Springwatch!!! I would bring Bill back along with Simon King (and not stuck in the highlands, with Bill) and Michaela S (she is sweet, knowledgeable and fun) – that would be awesome. Can't stand Kate, too bossy. Unsprung line-up would be Nick Baker, David Lindo, oh and me LOL or/and maybe Lee Evans! That would be VERY exiting TV!!!"

I also noticed that Nick Baker said on FB that he was"......watching Spring as usual (just not as much in front of the camera as I would like)". It's a pity he's not doing 'Unsprung' – I liked his style and enthusiasm and yes he was nervous at times, but this just made it more interesting and realistic, knowing it was live TV.

Nobody can replace Bill Oddie as the front man for Springwatch as far as I'm concerned, he is irreplaceable, big mistake the BBC made there. He is extremely knowledgeable, hugely entertaining, excellent presenting skills, need I go on! Simon King is a close second with all the same attributes, plus has huge sex appeal! Michaela is definitely the best female presenter they have had by a long shot, she is enthusiastic, knowledgeable, sweet and fun (she is only a four months younger than me I just googled). Nick Baker and David Lindo who are both genuine naturalists for their knowledge, fun and coolness to attract the younger generation. Lee Evans would be invaluable for all feather related questions and add fresh blood into the mix! Me......? Only joking, wouldn't have the confidence! I forecast that Lucy McRobert will be on Springwatch at some point! Oh and what about Johnny Kingdom – he would certainly add some spirit to the show, mind you, I think he would clash with Bill – would be too much madness!!!


  1. Agree withn this line-up...
    but Micheala that old?
    Don't believe it...
    but, those pop programmes she used to present with a well-known steam railway collector, were an awfully long time ago!!
    Mind you, you don't look old either...
    must be me!

    1. Micheala looks good for her age as she's kept her figure, I need to take note!!!

  2. And I forsee young Mr. Wilde being a public face, too!!
    He's got the abilities... even if he does write as if he's forty years experienced!!
