Thursday 7 May 2015


"Act now to save our precious countryside before it is too late!  The site at Lyng Easthaugh Lakes  and its unique wildlife habitat was already being  destroyed by the landowner and developer even before any planning application had been submitted.  Woodland and reed bed has been removed and hundreds of tons of soil and waste imported to create apparent roadways and plots for holiday lodges.  The images below show some of the damage already done without any permission from the planning authorities, including the introduction of a completely new roadway across the flood plain of the River Wensum."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Penny
    Thank you so much for posting this. Lots of people have visited our website as a result and we are grateful for any support. Unfortunately you were so quick off the mark that Breckland hadn't yet published the application on their website, so I had been unable to make the links live. That is sorted now, so for anyone who would like to take another look, it is all up and running. It ay take another few days for all the documents to be shown on the council website but you get the gist of what is happening from the information I have published.
    Thanks again!
