Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Cretzschmar's Bunting!

The Bardsey Cretzschmar's Bunting made me think about the one I saw in Lesvos many years ago and dug back into the archives to find it!

Cretzschmar's Bunting I took in Lesvos, in May 2008 when on an amazing birding trip with Pete S., Graham and Glynn.
Cretzschmar's Bunting
May 2008, Lesvos, Greece


  1. That is a really pretty bird...
    great pic too...
    lovely DoF... and the colour of the oof vegetation really sets off the colours of the bird!
    Smasher lass, smasher...

  2. Also wanted to say thank you so much for ALL of your wonderful replies and comments to my posts Tim. I don't always get time to reply to them all, but they are much appreciated as I'm sure they are by everyone else that reads them. Keep posting!
