Monday 15 June 2015


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
MARSH WARBLER at Nar Valley Way, Narborough.
BEE-EATER flew south at 11.30am, Crossbills x 10 at North Dunes, Winterton.
Spoonbills x 5 at 'The Serpentine', Little Gulls x 2 flew over East Bank at Cley NWT.
Crossbills x 4 flew north over Fakenham.
GOLDEN ORIOLE singing between Hardingham and Reymerston.
Garganey at Buckenham Marshes RSPB.

Suffolk Highlights:
BEE-EATER flew north along coast at 7.30am, Kessingland.

BEE-EATERS x 2 at Red Lodge Farm at King's Fleet.
BEE-EATER 11.30am-12.38pm at Minsmere RSPB.
MEGA! CRETZSCHMAR'S BUNTING, still at south end of Bardsey Island, Gwynedd.
MEGA! SLATE-COLOURED JUNCO Male, still yesterday at 6.10pm, no sign today, 1.5 miles SW of St Buryan + south of B3315 at north end of the Logan Rock Inn Carpark.
MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL still at Pagham Harbour LNR at Church Norton, viewed from reserve entrance carpark.
MEGA! GREATER YELLOWLEGS still, at Titchfield Haven NNR, Hampshire.

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