Wednesday 24 June 2015


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Spoonbills x 6, Little Gulls x 2, Spotted Redshanks x 4, Red-crested Pochard x 5 at Titchwell RSPB.
TURTLE DOVES x 2 at Choseley Drying Barns.
BEE-EATER flew east at 7.51am over Cley NWT
BEE-EATER flew south at 9.20am over allotments at Sea Palling.
BEE-EATERS x 4 reported, flew west at 9.45am over Cromer.
BEE-EATERS x 4 reported, flew west at 10.30am over Weybourne.
Spoonbills x 9, Little Gulls x 2, Spotted Redshank from Daukes' Hide, Cley NWT.
Honey Buzzard flew south west, Velvet Scoter at Weybourne.
Crossbill at Kelling Heath.

Suffolk Highlights:

Red-necked Phalarope at Mickle Mere SWT.

MEGA! SHORT-TOED EAGLE possible, flew over M27, Southampton, Hampshire.
MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL still at Pagham Harbour LNR at Church Norton, viewed from reserve entrance carpark, Sussex.
MEGA! GREATER YELLOWLEGS still, at Titchfield Haven NNR, Hampshire.

1 comment:

  1. What is it with the Bee-eaters this year?
    Two days ago we had a group of six over...
    very high up...
    very obviously feeding...
    and they passed North.
    We do not get Bee-eaters here in mid-June!
    We see them in very late Summer as they pass South...
    in fact we get a lot then for anything up to three weeks...
    depending on the crops sown in the valley.
    They seem to use a small side valley between us and town as a migration gathering point.

    There is a very nice block of woodland there...
    and best of all a set of three power cables running from the road, up the valley, to the properties at the end.
    They all gather on the cables before flying down the valley...
    we've had more than 100 there some years!

    The best was when, for some reason, the alfalfa crop beneath the cables was allowed to flower...
    it was alive with bees and large grasshoppers...
    as you can imagine, they didn't waste energy going up and down the valley and we had the spectacle for a week!!

    I'll never forget that sight...
    no such joy awaits this year...
    winter wheat and winter barley in all the nearest fields...
    but that does mean that they should come and hunt over our meadow as they "do" the main valley!

    Keep well, and please do a post on which birding apps you use on the iPhone...
    Pauline is thinking of upgrading hers...
    and will probably go straight to the 6....
    given your comments on the speakers...
    she's got an excellent bird call app that we use a lot now...
