Monday 1 June 2015

Unpacking To Prepare for Packing!

I have had a very productive day, but equally an incredibly boring and tedious day. Such an exciting holiday I'm having! I have been unpacking all the clothes, cushions, sleeping bags and all materials items etc that were taken away with smoke damage from neighbour's fire. I have been doing this all day, its taking much longer than I expected and hopefully will be finished tomorrow! I will need to do a boot sale now! Good job the weather is crap and there are no birds! Best time to get this out of the way with I suppose though, with fabulous weather arriving at the end of the week!

The wind is howling outside and the house is cold, feels like winter tonight. It doesn't seem possible that we are going to have a heatwave by the end of the week! This dire weather won't help nesting birds at all. Watched SpringWatch and Unsprung this evening – Minsmere was blowing a gale!

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