Monday, 8 June 2015


Getting excited now!!!

Tomorrow I'm in the audience on 'Unsprung' at 9pm. Press the Red Button on your remote after Springwatch finishes at 9pm or Channel 301. Look out for a Union Jack flag surrounded by birds on front of my top and my blog address underneath! OR if because of 'advertising' I may have to wear my 'BIRDING The Reason I Get Out of Bed' top!!!

I have been sent a schedule for the evening, getting nervous now! With work tomorrow, its going to be a very long day! Takes two hours to drive to Minsmere RSPB, crazy, but should be fun!

Episode 10

Springwatch Unsprung, 2015 Episode 10 of 12
Chris Packham presents Springwatch's live aftershow - with special guests, a live studio audience and questions and comments sent in by viewers at home. On the sofa, Trevor Dines from Plantlife reveals the results of their vote for the nation's favourite wild flower.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed yourself...
    we don't get UK TV here...
    actually, we don't get any kind of TV here...
    but the wildlife makes up for it all!!

    I had a Wikileaks [Stone Curlew] fly over my head and into our meadow as I was putting the chickens to bed...
    and we had a pair of Black Woodpeckers hanging around for a few days...
    they seem to have gone now tho'...
    but you never know.


    Oh my gawd... the chickens, they are still open
