Friday 10 July 2015

Bee-eaters in Suffolk!

I'm mortified. If only I could have had a day off work. Every day this week I gave a sigh of relief and excitement that 10 Bee-eaters continued to be seen at Leiston/Theberton in Suffolk. Every day they have been seen, either very early morning or mid evening when they flew in to roost. Tonight there were around 120+ birders there waiting for them to appear, Justin Lansdell told me. But very very sadly the Bee-eaters didn't come into roost – much to the massive disappointment of everyone there and every other birder who has been at work this week, planning to go either tomorrow or Sunday. My heart sunk to the bottom draw. Not much else to say really.


  1. Dang! Was going to leave really early tomorrow but this has maybe saved me the long drive and frustration... Thanks for posting this - I have no pager, so your blog is often very helpful to me. Who knows maybe those bee-eaters are on there way to Lynn. (Please Lord!)

  2. Oh Penny, so sorry for you...
    they'd probably scoffed all that a local apiarist had on the menu...
    keep your eyes on that pager!
    They'll stay as a group...
    they may even stay in that locality...
    120 people waiting for them must have been a bit off-putting!
    But 120 birders are never quiet when waiting...
    Thinking of you,
