Wednesday 15 July 2015

Bomb Scare in King's Lynn!!!

It took me over an hour to get home tonight! As I approached a roundabout not far from where I live, a police van and car were stationed there, lights flashing etc. A policemen indicated that everyone had to return the same way they had come and find an alternative route – he told me that a child had picked up a unexploded bomb off the beach and brought it to school!!! How on earth had that happened!!! What parent with an ounce of common sense (obviously had none) would allow their child to bring an unknown rusty metal item off the beach and take to school?!!! The link below doesn't mention any of this though!

This made me very late for Slimming World, but got there just in time – lost 2.5lbs! Good job I didn't eat any of the Carrot Cake I made last night before I got weighed! Fell alseep when I got home, so tired today. Where is Mr Albatross I wonder?!

Also note there are pictures of the Burnham Deepdale Terek Sandpiper on the RBA Weekly Review in my earlier posting – lovely pics, but sad Norfolk birders didn't get to see it. I have just updated the Cromer black shadow in the sea post here.


1 comment:

  1. "What parent with an ounce of common sense (obviously had none) would allow their child to bring an unknown rusty metal item off the beach and take to school?!!!"...
    only one thing to say...
    Hope you got some birding in today...
    and for the blisters...
    rub some whisky or other strong alcohol in...
    seems a waste, but it works.
